It's no so common but in Sardinia you can find a really clear honey also known as White Honey that is a real surprise.
This honey comes from the late winter/early spring production from a mix of flowers but in particular from the asphodel flowers which normally bloom between begin of march up to mid april.
This honey is particurarly difficult to produce due to the extreme weather conditions that normally makes the beekeepers life very hard in this season. In fact this production accounts for a few kilograms of honey per hive per year in the good years.
2023 was a good productive season for the Asphodel team: we managed to produce 5 kg per hive which is a record for the group. But we already know that this is a very lucky season and this is the reason why we keep our honey safe and try not the sell it all in one time because we need to keep a reserve also for the future.
This honey, when cristallized looks really clear, nearly white and is fantastic to see it compared to the normally darker honeys produced in our island.
Also the taste of this honey is quite different from the average of our local honeys: very soft and suite, is a perfect product for teas and seadas, the typical cheese desserts from Sardinia.
Is also well known in the island for its power against cough and bad sore throat and still used in small villages by old people to keep safe along the winter.
In sardinia we love this honey also with cheese and ricotta, thanks to its delicate flavour that doesn't cover the taste of the food.