What is corbezzolo honey good for?

Maurizio Pitzolu • 1 September 2022

Corbezzolo honey is good for many things but most has still to come.

Corbezzolo (or strawberry tree) honey has long been used as a remedy for various illnesses since ancient times. Its antiseptic properties were in fact known since ancient times when many people used it as a remedy for ulcers or burns.

With the advent of modern medicine, this remedy, like many other traditional medicine remedies, has clearly been abandoned and its use forgotten by many.

Fortunately, also in Italy as in other countries of the world we are witnessing a period of rebirth of traditional medicine which, together with modern medicine, can give a series of positive results for the improvement of many ailments.

One of these is definitely gastroesophageal reflux: after a few months of testing a spoonful of strawberry tree honey taken every morning, some people have shown significant improvements against this problem which is now widespread in the modern population due to diets and styles. of wrong and hectic life.

Arbutus honey is certainly a very useful product for the improvement of problems related to the digestive system, including the improvement of digestion and the recovery of the sense of taste in the event that it was damaged by reflux problems.

Modern studies show how colon cancer cancer cells can be completely destroyed by the use of strawberry tree honey: these are still experimental and laboratory results, but this type of results certainly bodes well for research that can bear fruit in this direction in the future.

Furthermore, this type of honey has excellent results on the treatment of wounds, showing amazing healing results when applied directly to the wound.

In short, it can be said that strawberry tree honey is good for many situations and many others will be discovered in the future when its consumption will become more frequent, we are quite sure.

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